Fast, portable C library for geometry input/output
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All other gmio modules rely on this module. More...

Data Structures

struct  gmio_memblock
 Basic memory block. More...
struct  gmio_stream
 Stream that can get input from an arbitrary data source or can write output to an arbitrary data sink. More...
struct  gmio_streampos
 Specifies a position within a stream. More...
struct  gmio_task_iface
 Defines an interface through which a task can be controlled. More...
struct  gmio_vec3f
 Vector of three float coords. More...
struct  gmio_vec3d
 Vector of three double coords. More...


 Expands to the C compiler extension to export functions to a DLL. More...
 Expands to the C compiler extension to import functions from a DLL. More...
#define GMIO_API
 Expands either to GMIO_DECL_EXPORT or GMIO_DECL_IMPORT when respectively compiling/using the DLL. More...
#define GMIO_UNUSED(x)   (void)x;
 Tells the compiler that a parameter is not used in the body of a function. More...
 Expands to the C compiler specific inline keyword (if any) More...
 Expands to the C compiler specific restrict keyword (if any) More...
 Expands to extern "C" { when building with a C++ compiler. More...
 Expands to } when building with a C++ compiler. More...
 MSVC specific macro that disable the compiler warning of code code More...
 MSVC specific macro that pop the changes made after last warning(pop) More...
#define GMIO_ARRAY_SIZE(array)   sizeof(array) / sizeof(*array)
 Expands to the size(item count) of an array. More...


typedef struct gmio_memblock(* gmio_memblock_constructor_func_t )()
 Typedef for a pointer to a function that creates an allocated mblock. More...
typedef int64_or_long gmio_streamsize_t
 Type able to represent the size(in bytes) of a stream. More...
typedef int64_or_long gmio_streamoffset_t
 Type able to represent the offset position within a stream. More...


enum  gmio_endianness
 This enum identifies common endianness (byte order) of computer memory. More...
enum  gmio_error
 This enum defines common errors. More...
 GMIO_STREAMPOS_COOKIE_SIZE Size of the byte array gmio_streampos::cookie More...
enum  gmio_float_text_format
 This enum defines the various formats to textually represent a float. More...


enum gmio_endianness gmio_host_endianness ()
 Returns endianness (byte order) of the host's CPU architecture. More...
bool gmio_no_error (int code)
 Returns true if code == GMIO_NO_ERROR More...
bool gmio_error (int code)
 Returns true if code != GMIO_NO_ERROR More...
bool gmio_memblock_isnull (const struct gmio_memblock *mblock)
 Returns true if mblock is NULL or points to null/void memory. More...
struct gmio_memblock gmio_memblock (void *ptr, size_t size, void(*func_deallocate)(void *))
 Returns an initialized gmio_memblock object. More...
struct gmio_memblock gmio_memblock_malloc (size_t size)
 Returns a gmio_memblock object allocated with standard malloc() More...
struct gmio_memblock gmio_memblock_calloc (size_t num, size_t size)
 Returns a gmio_memblock object allocated with standard calloc() More...
struct gmio_memblock gmio_memblock_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size)
 Returns a gmio_memblock object allocated with standard realloc() More...
void gmio_memblock_deallocate (struct gmio_memblock *mblock)
 Safe and convenient call to gmio_memblock::func_deallocate() More...
void gmio_memblock_set_default_constructor (gmio_memblock_constructor_func_t ctor)
 Installs a global function to construct gmio_memblock objects. More...
gmio_memblock_constructor_func_t gmio_memblock_default_constructor ()
 Returns the currently installed function to construct gmio_memblock objects. More...
struct gmio_memblock gmio_memblock_default ()
 Returns a gmio_memblock object created using the function gmio_memblock_default_constructor() More...
struct gmio_stream gmio_stream_null ()
 Returns a null stream. More...
struct gmio_stream gmio_stream_stdio (FILE *file)
 Returns a stream for standard FILE* (cookie will hold file) More...

Detailed Description

All other gmio modules rely on this module.

Data Structure Documentation

struct gmio_streampos

Specifies a position within a stream.

The information in gmio_streampos objects is usually filled by a call to gmio_stream::func_get_pos(), which takes a pointer to an object of this type as argument.

The content of a gmio_streampos object is not meant to be read directly, but only to be used as an argument in a call to gmio_stream::func_set_pos()

Data Fields
uint8_t cookie[GMIO_STREAMPOS_COOKIE_SIZE] Stores the actual(concrete) stream position object.
struct gmio_vec3f

Vector of three float coords.

/examples/stl_read_file.c, and /examples/stl_write_file.c.
Data Fields
float x
float y
float z
struct gmio_vec3d

Vector of three double coords.

Data Fields
double x
double y
double z

Macro Definition Documentation

#define GMIO_API

Expands either to GMIO_DECL_EXPORT or GMIO_DECL_IMPORT when respectively compiling/using the DLL.

#define GMIO_ARRAY_SIZE (   array)    sizeof(array) / sizeof(*array)

Expands to the size(item count) of an array.


Expands to extern "C" { when building with a C++ compiler.


Expands to } when building with a C++ compiler.


Expands to the C compiler extension to export functions to a DLL.


Expands to the C compiler extension to import functions from a DLL.


Expands to the C compiler specific inline keyword (if any)


MSVC specific macro that pop the changes made after last warning(pop)

With Visual C++, expands to :

#pragma warning(pop)

MSVC specific macro that disable the compiler warning of code code

With Visual C++, expands to :

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: __code__)

Expands to the C compiler specific restrict keyword (if any)

#define GMIO_UNUSED (   x)    (void)x;

Tells the compiler that a parameter is not used in the body of a function.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct gmio_memblock(* gmio_memblock_constructor_func_t)()

Typedef for a pointer to a function that creates an allocated mblock.


struct gmio_memblock mblock_ctor();
typedef int64_or_long gmio_streamoffset_t

Type able to represent the offset position within a stream.

It can be int64_t or long depending on the compiler support

typedef int64_or_long gmio_streamsize_t

Type able to represent the size(in bytes) of a stream.

It can be int64_t or long depending on the compiler support

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

GMIO_STREAMPOS_COOKIE_SIZE Size of the byte array gmio_streampos::cookie


This enum identifies common endianness (byte order) of computer memory.


Other (unknown) byte-order.


The least significant byte is stored at the lowest address.

The other bytes follow in increasing order of significance


The most significant byte is stored at the lowest address.

The other bytes follow in decreasing order of significance


Defines the endianness(byte order) used by the host computer for storing data in memory.

It is set at configure-time to either GMIO_ENDIANNESS_LITTLE or GMIO_ENDIANNESS_BIG

enum gmio_error

This enum defines common errors.


No error occurred, success.


Unknown error.


Pointer on argument memory block is NULL.


Argument size for the memory block is too small.


An error occurred with gmio_stream.


Transfer was stopped by user, that is to say gmio_transfer::func_is_stop_requested() returned true.


An error occured after a call to a <stdio.h> function.

The caller can check errno to get the real error number


Checking of LC_NUMERIC failed(should be "C" or "POSIX")

This enum defines the various formats to textually represent a float.


Decimal floating point, lowercase (ex: 392.65)


Decimal floating point, uppercase (ex: 392.65)


Scientific notation, lowercase (ex: 3.9265e+2)


Scientific notation, uppercase (ex: 3.9265E+2)


Use the shortest representation: decimal or scientific lowercase.


Use the shortest representation: decimal or scientific uppercase.

Function Documentation

bool gmio_error ( int  code)

Returns true if code != GMIO_NO_ERROR

enum gmio_endianness gmio_host_endianness ( )

Returns endianness (byte order) of the host's CPU architecture.

struct gmio_memblock gmio_memblock ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size,
void(*)(void *)  func_deallocate 

Returns an initialized gmio_memblock object.

If ptr is NULL then gmio_memblock::size is forced to 0

struct gmio_memblock gmio_memblock_calloc ( size_t  num,
size_t  size 

Returns a gmio_memblock object allocated with standard calloc()

gmio_memblock::func_deallocate is set to standard free()

void gmio_memblock_deallocate ( struct gmio_memblock mblock)

Safe and convenient call to gmio_memblock::func_deallocate()

struct gmio_memblock gmio_memblock_default ( )

Returns a gmio_memblock object created using the function gmio_memblock_default_constructor()

gmio_memblock_constructor_func_t gmio_memblock_default_constructor ( )

Returns the currently installed function to construct gmio_memblock objects.

It is initialized to gmio_memblock_malloc(128KB)

bool gmio_memblock_isnull ( const struct gmio_memblock mblock)

Returns true if mblock is NULL or points to null/void memory.

struct gmio_memblock gmio_memblock_malloc ( size_t  size)

Returns a gmio_memblock object allocated with standard malloc()

gmio_memblock::func_deallocate is set to standard free()

struct gmio_memblock gmio_memblock_realloc ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size 

Returns a gmio_memblock object allocated with standard realloc()

gmio_memblock::func_deallocate is set to standard free()

void gmio_memblock_set_default_constructor ( gmio_memblock_constructor_func_t  ctor)

Installs a global function to construct gmio_memblock objects.

The constructor function allocates a gmio_memblock object on demand, to be used when a temporary memblock is needed.

This function is not thread-safe.

bool gmio_no_error ( int  code)

Returns true if code == GMIO_NO_ERROR

struct gmio_stream gmio_stream_null ( )

Returns a null stream.

struct gmio_stream gmio_stream_stdio ( FILE *  file)

Returns a stream for standard FILE* (cookie will hold file)

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