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Data Fields
gmio_stl_mesh_creator Struct Reference

Provides an interface for the creation of the underlying(hidden) user mesh. More...

Inheritance diagram for gmio_stl_mesh_creator:

Data Fields

void * cookie
 Opaque pointer on the user mesh, passed as first argument to hook functions. More...
void(* func_begin_solid )(void *cookie, const struct gmio_stl_mesh_creator_infos *infos)
 Optional pointer on a function that handles declaration of a solid. More...
void(* func_add_triangle )(void *cookie, uint32_t tri_id, const struct gmio_stl_triangle *triangle)
 Pointer on a function that adds a triangle to the user mesh. More...
void(* func_end_solid )(void *cookie)
 Optional pointer on a function that finalizes creation of the user mesh. More...

Detailed Description

Provides an interface for the creation of the underlying(hidden) user mesh.

/examples/occstl_redefine_mesh_creator.cpp, and /examples/stl_read_file.c.

Field Documentation

void* gmio_stl_mesh_creator::cookie

Opaque pointer on the user mesh, passed as first argument to hook functions.

/examples/occstl_redefine_mesh_creator.cpp, /examples/stl_read_file.c, and /examples/stl_write_file.c.
void(* gmio_stl_mesh_creator::func_add_triangle)(void *cookie, uint32_t tri_id, const struct gmio_stl_triangle *triangle)

Pointer on a function that adds a triangle to the user mesh.

The argument triangle is the triangle to be added, note that struct gmio_stl_triangle::attribute_byte_count is meaningless for STL ascii.

The argument tri_id is the index of the mesh triangle

/examples/occstl_redefine_mesh_creator.cpp, and /examples/stl_read_file.c.
void(* gmio_stl_mesh_creator::func_begin_solid)(void *cookie, const struct gmio_stl_mesh_creator_infos *infos)

Optional pointer on a function that handles declaration of a solid.

/examples/occstl_redefine_mesh_creator.cpp, and /examples/stl_read_file.c.
void(* gmio_stl_mesh_creator::func_end_solid)(void *cookie)

Optional pointer on a function that finalizes creation of the user mesh.

The function is called at the end of the read process, ie. after all triangles have been added

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