FougTools  0.7.0dev-046fb6a
Handy tools for C++, Qt and OpenCascade
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cqtcore::AbstractLogHandlerAbstract base class of all logging message handlers
 Cqtgui::AbstractQuantityEditorBase abstract class for editor of quantities, works in coordination with QuantityEditorManager
 Cocc::AisUtilsCollection of tools for the AIS package
 Cmath::BaseNumTraits< T >Type traits on real numerical types (float, double, ...)
 Cmath::BaseNumTraits< double >
 Cmath::BaseNumTraits< float >
 Cmath::BaseNumTraits< long double >
 Cqttask::BaseRunnerBase class for all runner objects
 Ccpp::BasicSharedPointer< T >Provides basic sharing of a pointer
 Cocc::BRepPointOnFacesProjectionFramework to perform normal point projection on a soup of topologic faces
 Cqtscript::CalculatorProvides evaluation of expressions
 Cqtsql::CompositeTypeHelperProvides helper services for the management of SQL composite types
 Cqtsql::DatabaseManagerProvides threading and SQL logging control over QSqlDatabase
 Cqtsql::DatabaseSettingsSettings to connect to a database. Settings can be loaded and saved from/to a QSettings
 Cocc::down_cast< TYPE >Downcasting operator for OpenCascade handles
 Ccpp::EnumStringMap< ENUM >Provides mapping between a C++ enum type values and C strings
 Cqttools::EnumStringMap< ENUM >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Ccpp::FixedArray< T, S >Provides a generic fixed-size array of items
 Cocc::GeomUtilsCollection of tools for the Geom package
 Cqtcore::GridNumberingRepresents standard numbering of grid cells
 Cqtcore::GridStructBasic data for a grid structure : row and column count + cell numbering
 Cstd::hash< QString >
 Ccpp::hash_fnv_1a< SIZE >
 Ccpp::hash_fnv_1a_traits< N >
 Ccpp::hash_fnv_1a_traits< 32 >
 Ccpp::hash_fnv_1a_traits< 64 >
 Cqtcore::ItemModelUtilsProvides a collection of tools around QAbstractItemModel
 Cqtgui::ItemViewUtilsProvides a collection of tools around QAbstractItemView
 Cocc::KernelUtilsCollection of tools for the Kernel toolkit
 Cqtcore::LogProvides an easy-to-use output stream for logging
 Cqtnetwork::MailSendProvides service to send messages through SMTP
 Cocc::MathUtilsCollection of tools for the Math toolkit
 Cqtnetwork::MessageProvides a convenient interface for working with messages
 Cmath::Norm< FUNC >Computation of norms in K-vector space
 Ccpp::NumericTraits< TYPE >
 Cqtcore::PluginsLoaderProvides run-time loading of Qt-based plugins located into search paths
 Cqtcore::PluginsLoader_InstanceFilterProvides plugin filter to be used with PluginsLoader
 Cqtcore::internal::PluginsLoader_InstanceIFaceFilter_HelperHelper class for PluginsLoader_InstanceIFaceFilter only
 Cocc::PointOnFacesProjectorProvides projection of a point on a soup of faces
 Cqttask::ProgressProvides feedback on the progress of an executing operation
 Cqtcore::QAtomicUtilsProvides a collection of tools around QAtomicInt and QAtomicPointer
 Cqtgui::QComboBoxUtilsProvides a collection of tools around QComboBox
 Cqtcore::QLocaleUtilsProvides a collection of tools around QLocale
 Cqtcore::QObjectUtilsProvides a collection of tools around QObject
 Cqtcore::QSignalMapperUtilsProvides a collection of tools around QSignalMapper
 Cqtcore::QStringUtilsProvides a collection of tools around QString
 Ccpp::Quantity< NUMERIC_TRAITS, TRAIT >Represents an amount of a certain unit
 Cqtcore::QVariantUtilsProvides a collection of tools around QVariant
 Cqtgui::QWidgetUtilsProvides a collection of tools around QWidget
 Cqtcore::UniqueId::RegisterResultStores the result of UniqueId::registerId()
 Cqtcore::ScopedConnectEstablishes a signal/slot connection between two QObjects and automatically breaks it upon destruction
 Ccpp::ScopedValue< T >
 Cqtcore::Singleton< T >
 Cqtnetwork::SmtpAccountProvides a convenient interface to define the user account to connect to a SMTP server
 Cocc::TopoDsUtilsCollection of tools for the TopoDS package
 Ccpp::TreeBfsExplorer< NODE, TREE_MODEL >
 Ccpp::TreeBfsExplorer< QStandardItem, QStandardItemTreeBfsModel >
 Cmath::VecAccess< VEC >Empty generic class to be specialized by vector type
 Cmath::VecAccessTagBase class for tag dispatching on how to access vector coordinates
 Cmath::VecTraits< VEC >Type traits on vector types